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An Evening with Werner Herzog (jederzeit online)
Land: USA | Jahr: 2021 | ca. 1:59:50 Minuten | FSK: ab 12 Jahre
UCTV, the broadcast and online media platform of the University of California
One of the most distinctive filmmakers of our time, Werner Herzog has been called the “romantic visionary” of the New German Cinema movement. His edgy, larger-than-life films fuse the epic with the intimate, redefining the scale and scope of filmmaking to include more than 60 works shot on every continent. He appears in conversation with acclaimed author and essayist, Pico Iyer at UC Santa Barbara.
Die Kinowerkstatt St. Ingbert ist eine nichtkommerzielle Spielstelle, die sehenswerte aktuelle sowie kulturell und filmgeschichtlich wichtige Filme zeigt.
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